Acer Laptop Gaming Predator 17 Review

The Acer Predator 17 speaks to everything it's hard to believe, but it's true with the best gaming portable PCs in 2016, and also the spots where they're still miles behind whatever is left of the bend in the meantime. Perused on in our Acer Predator 17 survey to discover what we cherished (and detested) about this current gamer's Catch 22 in a case.

Cost: $2,445.55 on Amazon

Accessible: Now

What We Liked

Mind boggling execution no matter how you look at it

Taken care of each amusement and CPU-concentrated program splendidly

Imaginative "FrostCore" cooling arrangement

What We Didn't

Show leaves a great deal to be wanted, no G-Sync

Arm-crunchingly substantial at about 9 pounds

Outline doesn't shake up any patterns for gaming portable workstations

Acer Predator 17 Specs


Processor    Intel sixth Gen Skylake Intel Core i7-6700HQ

RAM    32GB DDR4

Capacity Space    512GB PCI-e SSD/1TB HDD

Show Size    17.3"

Representation Card    Nvidia GTX 980M

Show Resolution

1920 x 1080

Touchscreen    red-x-symbol

Battery Life    4hrs 53min full-stack/6hrs 11min unmoving

Price    $2,445.55



To say the Predator 17 emerges from the horde of other gaming portable workstations in its class would be liberal. Its stealth-calculated case and beating red LEDs let whatever remains of your general surroundings know this is a tablet that implies business, and doesn't modest far from promoting precisely what it came here to do.

The Predator 17 is particularly an instance of "capacity over structure", where a considerable lot of the sexier configuration components were presumably pushed off to the side with a specific end goal to protect the tablet's astonishing force family – and that is not as a matter of course an awful thing, either.

The FrostCore is a "cool" approach to hold your temps under control.

The FrostCore is a "cool" approach to hold your temps under control.

All that said, there was one element that completely took my breath away, and one that I haven't found in some other tablet to date: Acer's FrostCore cooling innovation. FrostCore fills in as a hot-swappable cartridge that contains additional fans and cooling units, which you can change out of the opening where your optical circle typically lives. This helps the portable PC to stay cool amid extreme gaming sessions, and makes an extra arrangement of vents that the tablet uses to let out some pent up frustration from the representation card and CPU.

Despite the fact that we didn't have a laser thermometer to test the contrast between how hot the portable PC was without FrostCore versus it connected to, there was certainly a change that could be felt when we ran The Witcher III on ultra settings for over 20 minutes on end. The portable workstation still gets hot, yet in the event that you're anticipating keeping the tablet on a strong surface amid marathon LAN gatherings, it's undeniable where the FrostCore could spare your motherboard from suddenly combusting into a bundle of flares.


At stock, the Predator 17 accompanies a few Acer applications that can help you including associating with technical support, to changing the profile of your present exercises.

One slick incorporation was Acer's "DustDefender" program, which switches the fan speed course and wrenches up the force so any dust that may be working up for the situation will be shot out of the admission. We didn't have our hands on the portable workstation sufficiently long to develop a layer of dust for testing, yet we'd envision it works pretty much as proposed for full-time Predator proprietors.

Last was a little dashboard that controlled the settings in different applications like DustDefender, and in addition a switch to diminish the measure of blue light falling off the screen, and in addition the choice to flip USB charging on or off.


Perusing off the spec list for the Predator 17 resemble running down the program of each PC gaming fan's top pick group. With a 6th era Intel Core i7-6700HQ quad-center Skylake processor, 32GB of DDR4 RAM, a Nvidia GTX 980M representation card, and 512GB of capacity on a PCI-e SSD, the Predator 17 shouted through each test and diversion we could toss at it all the way.

The console and trackpad were both strong, with an agreeable measure of space between every level key that made for pretty much as agreeable of a written work experience as you would want to get from your desktop. I make it a point to compose each portable workstation survey on the real tablet itself, and experienced no difficulty bouncing from my desktop's console to the portable PC, and back once more. The keys were likewise satisfyingly responsive amid gaming tests, which can have the effect between a headshot and getting shot in the head amid the warmth of fight.

It may not appear like much all things considered - but rather looks can be misdirecting.

It may not appear like much all things considered – but rather looks can be deluding.

Network alternatives on the Predator 17 were ample. Complete with 4 USB 3.0 ports, one HDMI 1.2, a SD-card space, RJ45 ethernet, and a solitary port for the most up to date kid on the piece: Thunderbolt 3.

The included speakers were shockingly boomy for what you'd typically anticipate from a portable PC sound framework, thanks to a limited extent to Acer's own "SoundPound" subwoofer unit, introduced on the underside of the Predator's case. While they'd never have the capacity to supplant a strong arrangement of premium jars for day by day use, they're still bounty proficient on the off chance that you and a couple of companions are twisting up around the tablet for a gathering motion picture or gaming session.


In our execution assessment, we ran the Predator 17 through an extent of Ultra determination, fast diversions, plate speed apparatuses, and CPU load tests. Be that as it may, even with all that, stand out amusement we tossed its route appeared to try and make it recoil (The Witcher III), not to mention moderate down to take a breath.

Test    Result

SSD Read/Write    2146MBs/1587MBs

HDD Read/Write    145.9MBs/140.6MBs

Geekbench 3 Scores (Single-center/Multi-core)    3,324/13,139

3DMark Fire Strike Score    8174

Saints of the Storm (Ultra settings)    170 FPS

Tomb Raider (Ultra)    60 FPS

The Witcher III (Ultra)    55 FPS


On account of the genuine equipment stuffed inside the Predator, one territory it suffered a bit was the battery. In our tests at plate stack and amid superior gaming, we could crush around 4 hours and 53 minutes out of the tablet before it at last ceased to exist.

Amid unmoving with no action and the screen at 100% shine, this figure could extend itself more, to an aggregate of 6 hours and 11 minutes. This isn't much to think of home about on the off chance that you anticipate going on long excursions between modules, yet at the same time falls right inside the scope of the life evaluations you'd escape any practically identical gaming portable workstation with comparable specs.


Strangely, while Acer was glad to overdo it on furnishing the Predator 17 with the same number of untouchable segments you could pack into a solitary portable workstation, some way or another the general population working in the presentation office didn't get the same notice.

The unremarkable show left a bit to be craved.

The Predator 17's unremarkable show left a bit to be craved.

The Predator's 1920 x 1080p IPS LED showcase is fine for what it is, however it likewise did not have the sort of liveliness and profundity we get a kick out of the chance to see on tablets that involve this premium value level. Recreations just looked alright, and streams on Netflix and Hulu weren't that greatly improved. That, as well as Nvidia's G-Sync is right around a gimme on any tablet at this value point, and the absence of it on the Predator was just about the nail in the pine box.

We tried a few Blu-Ray motion pictures utilizing the Predator's inward Blu-Ray player, and for each situation you'd be greatly improved off dropping somewhat additional coin to yield the photo to an outer screen than you would watching it on the portable PC itself. The portable PC comes with the choice to move up to a 4K, UHD 3840 x 2160 adaptation for around $150 all the more however, which we would completely prescribe to any individual who can manage the cost of the additional expense as the better decision in general.

Wrap Up

The Acer Predator 17 gives you all that you could need out of a gaming portable PC, and nothing you don't. It's somewhat heavier than we incline toward, the battery could last a smidge longer, and the screen is absolute monstrous when you consider the amount of consideration and exactness was put into alternate parts. Be that as it may, other than those as a matter of fact minor grievances, the Predator urges all fronts, and is certain to be a sparkling star among the horde of gaming portable workstations that surge onto racks this year.

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